SFSU Cinema is ranked #2 for best value bachelor’s program in Film in 2018.

Points: 24
Total Enrollment: 30,256
Tuition (in-state): $6,476
Tuition (out-of-state): $17,636
Found in one of the most exciting cities in the nation, San Francisco State University is home to over 30,000 students from around the globe. This top value college has a rapidly expanding BA in cinema studies, growing from 800 to 1200 majors in under three years. Cinema majors at SFSU appreciate an uncommon film curriculum that encompasses critical theories, film history, cinema studies, and much more. This college also provides degree specialization options such as (among others), animation, screenwriting, cinematography, and sound design. San Francisco State has established over a dozen scholarships and fellowships related to a career in film.