“CARCERAL AESTETHICS AND ABOLITION” with our special guest Dr. Nicole R. Fleetwood, Professor of American Studies and Art History at Rutgers University.

Dear Cinema Community-
Please join us on Tuesday December 1, 2020 from 6pm – 7pm for “CARCERAL AESTETHICS AND ABOLITION” with our special guest Dr. Nicole R. Fleetwood, Professor of American Studies and Art History at Rutgers University.
Zoom info here: http://tinyurl.com/abolition-sfsu
We are very fortunate to co-sponsor this event with Project Rebound, Associated Students’ acclaimed program for formerly incarcerated scholars attending college. Founded in 1967 at SFSU, Project Rebound now serves 14 campuses across the CSU.
The event will be introduced by Director of the School of Cinema Celine Parreñas Shimizu.
Dr. Fleetwood’s most recent book “Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration” (Harvard University Press, 2020) explores how current and formerly incarcerated artists defy the depravity and abuse of the American prison system through creative expression.
Dr. Fleetwood will discuss how incarcerated artists reclaim the narrative of imprisonment, and how cinema can be a part of this movement, in conversation with the School of Cinema’s Dr. Artel Great and Mayuran Tiruchelvam, Assistant Professors and George and Judy Marcus Endowed Chairs.
Thank you and look forward to seeing you all!
Mayuran Tiruchelvam
Mayuran Tiruchelvam (he/him/they)
Assistant Professor
School of Cinema
George and Judy Marcus Chair in
Social Justice Fiction Filmmaking
San Francisco State University