Shared Governance

School of Cinema — AY 2024 – 2025 Committee Membership

Committee Person Years
Director Aaron Kerner 1st Year (second term)
Coordinators M.A. Mihaela Mihailova 2nd Year
  M.F.A. Johnny Symons 3rd Year
  Undergraduate Advising Coordinator Scott Boswell 3rd Year (second term)
  Internship Coordinator Daniel Bernardi Retention Agreement
Retention, Tenure and Promotion* Ben Ridgway (Chair) 2nd Year
  Johnny Symons 1st Year (second term)
  Daniel Bernardi 3rd Year
  Scott Boswell 3rd Year
  Julian Hoxter 2nd Year (second term)
  Weimin Zhang 1st Year
Curriculum* Greta Snider 1st Year
  Misha Milhailova 3rd Year
  Weimin Zhang 3rd Year
  Steve Choe 2nd Year
  Rafael Flores 2nd Year
Governance* Mayuran Tiruchelvam 3rd Year
  Laura Green 3rd Year
  Steve Choe 2nd Year
  Martha Gorzycki   (temporary appointment, replacing McBride)
Communications/Social Media Ben Ridgway 2nd Year (second term)
  Artel Great 3rd Year
  Rosa Park 2nd Year (second term)
  Rafael Flores 1st Year
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Access (EDIA) Greta Snider 3rd Year
  Laura Green 3rd Year (second term)
  Mayuran Tiruchelvam 3rd Year
Community Development Committee (CDC) Rae Shaw 2nd Year
  Scott Boswell 2nd Year
Graduate Hiring Committee Johnny Symons (M.F.A. Coordinator) 3rd Year
  Mihaela Mihailova (M.A. Coordinator) 2nd Year
  Aaron Kerner (Director) 1st Year (second term)
Scholarship Committee* Rae Shaw 1st Year
  Ben Ridgway 3rd Year
  Rosa Park 3rd Year
  Steve Choe 2nd Year
Assessment Martha Gorzycki 2nd Year
  Aaron Kerner 3rd Year (second term)
Foreign Exchange Program Advisor Daniel Bernardi 2nd Year
UAC Faculty Liaison Scott Boswell 2nd Year
Film Finals Selection Committee TBD  
Realignment Task Force Daniel Bernardi  
  Julian Hoxter  
  Martha Gorzycki   
  Weimin Zhang  
Faculty Transfer Committee Daniel Bernardi       
  Julian Hoxter       
  Martha Gorzycki  
  Weimin Zhang  
Academic Senate/Baccalaureate Rae Shaw 2nd Year
University Service or CSU System-Wide Service Martha Gorzycki (CFA) 4th Year

School of Cinema — AY 2022 – 2023 Committee Membership

Committee Person Years
Director Aaron Kerner   2nd year
Coordinators M.A. Mihaela Mihailova Interim
  M.F.A. Johnny Symons 1st year
  Undergraduate Advising Coordinator Scott Boswell  1st year (second term)
  Internship Coordinator Daniel Bernardi  Final term
Retention, Tenure and Promotion *    
  Martha Gorzycki 3rd year
  Julian Hoxter 3rd year
  Johnny Symons 2nd year
  Greta Snider (second term) 2nd year (second term)
  Daniel Bernardi 1st year
  Scott Boswell 1st year
Curriculum* Scott Boswell  3rd year
  Mayuran Tiruchelvam  2nd year
  Bethany Sparks 2nd year
  Misha Mihailova 1st year
  Weimin Zhang 1st year
  Rae Shaw (auditing)
  Rafael Flores (auditing)
Governance* Joe McBride 3rd year
  Mayuran Tiruchelvam 1st year
  Laura Green 1st year
Communications/ Social Media Rosa Park 3rd year 
  Ben Ridgway 3rd year
  Artel Great 1st year
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Access (EDIA) Martha Gorzycki 3rd year
  Greta Snider 1st year
  Laura Green 1st year (second term)
  Mayuran Tiruchelvam 1st year
Graduate Hiring Committee Johnny Symons (M.F.A. Coordinator) 1st year
  Mihaela Mihailova (M.A. Coordinator) Interim
  Aaron Kerner (Director) 2nd year
Scholarship Committee* Artel Great 2nd year
  Ben Ridgway 1st year
  Scott Boswell 1st year
  Rosa Park 1st year
Assessment  Daniel Bernardi 3rd year
  Aaron Kerner 1st year (second term)
  Bethany Sparks 1st year
Development TBD  
Faculty Leave With Pay Joe McBride 3rd year
Academic Senate/ Baccalaureate Vacant  
SF State Academic Program Review Committee Vacant  
Professional Development Aaron Kerner (Director) 2nd year
University Service or CSU System-Wide Service Martha Gorzycki (CFA) 2nd year

School of Cinema — AY 2021 – 2022 Committee Membership

Committee Person Years
Director Aaron Kerner   1st year
Coordinators M.A. Steve Choe 3rd year
  M.F.A. Weimin Zhang 3rd year
  Undergraduate Advising Coordinator Scott Boswell  3rd year
  Internship Coordinator Daniel Bernardi   
Retention, Tenure and Promotion *    
  Martha Gorzycki 2nd year
  Julian Hoxter (Chair) 2nd year
  RL Rutsky 2nd year
  Johnny Symons 1st year
  Greta Snider (second term) 1st year
Curriculum* Scott Boswell  2nd year
  Laura Green 3rd year
  Rosa Park 3rd year
  Artel Great  1st year
  Mayuran Tiruchelvam  1st year
  Bethany Sparks (chair) 1st year
  Misha Mihailova (auditing)
Governance* Joe McBride 2nd year
  Britta Sjogren  2nd year
  Johnny Symons 2nd year
  Weimin Zhang 3rd year
Communications/ Social Media Scott Boswell (Chair) 3rd year 
  Rosa Park 2nd year
  Ben Ridgway 2nd year
  Greta Snider 3rd year 
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Access (EDIA) Martha Gorzycki 2nd year
  Laura Green 3rd year
  Scott Boswell 3rd year
  Elizabeth Ramirez-Soto 1st year
Graduate Hiring Committee Steve Choe (M.A. Coordinator)  
  Weimin Zhang (M.F.A. Coordinator)  
  Aaron Kerner (Director)  
Scholarship Committee* Johnny Symons 3rd year
  Elizabeth Ramirez-Soto 2nd year
  Artel Great 1st year
Assessment  Daniel Bernardi 2nd year
  Aaron Kerner 3rd year
  RL Rutsky  3rd year
  TBD 1st year
Development Daniel Bernardi 3rd year
  Julian Hoxter 3rd year
  Weimin Zhang 3rd year
Faculty Leave With Pay Joe McBride 2nd year
  RL Rutsky 3rd year
  Britta Sjogren 2nd year
Academic Senate/ Baccalaureate Vacant  
SF State Academic Program Review Committee Julian Hoxter 2nd year
CURE Elizabeth Ramirez-Soto 2nd year
Professional Development Aaron Kerner (Director)  
University Service or CSU System-Wide Service Martha Gorzycki (CFA)  

School of Cinema — AY 2020 – 2021 Committee Memberships

Ad Hoc Committees: Person Year
Search Committee (Fiction Directing) Ben Ridgway  
  Scott Boswell (Chair)  
  Weimin Zhang  
  Rosa Park  
  Bethany Sparks  
Tech Advisory    
  Laura Green 3rd year
  Ben Ridgway; Bethany Sparks 2nd year
  Greta Snider  1st year
  Weimin Zhang 3rd year
  Arthur Farkas (T)  
  Pablo Riquelme (T)  
Lecturer Advisory Hiring Committee Sitting MA & MFA Coordinators (Steve Choe and Weimin Zhang)  
  Johnny Symons 1st year
  Nalini Libby  1st year
Film Finals Selection Panel Artel Great; Mayuran Tiruchelvam 2nd year
  Rosa Park 3rd year
  Bethany Spark 3rd year
  Misha Mihailova 1st year
Film Finals Show Presenters (one from Film Finals Selection)  
  (one from Awards / Scholarships)  
MA Section Committee Sitting MA Coordinator to recruit (Steve Choe)  
MFA Selection Committee Sitting MFA Coordinator to recruit (Weimin Zhang)  
Undergraduate Club Faculty Liaisons Animation Society — Martha Gorzycki / Ben Ridgway  
  Black Film Club — Rafael Flores / Artel Great  
  Cinema Collective — Scott Boswell  
  DKA — Aaron Kerner  
  Feminist Filmmaking Fellowship— Laura Green  

Queer Cinema Coalition — Johnny Symons

AnimeFX Club — Greta Snider

Cinema Graduate Students’ Association Steve Choe  
Junior Faculty Mentors

Daniel Bernardi — Artel Great

Julian Hoxter — Mayuran Tiruchelvam 

Martha Gorzycki — Misha Mihailova

Sneak Preview (Gator Days)

Aaron Kerner

Julian Hoxter

MFA Revamp Committee (core)

Greta Snider

Britta Sjogren

Julian Hoxter

Weimin Zhang

Scott Boswell

Johnny Symons

Britta Sjogren

Director Review Committee Johnny Symons (Chair)  

SF State Cinema Service 2024–2025 and Individual List of Faculty Members

Full Professors
Aaron Kerner: Director; Graduate Hiring Committee; Assessment Committee; DKA Liaison; Sneak Peak (Gator Days)
Daniel Bernardi: RTP; Internship Coordinator; Junior Faculty Mentor; Foreign Exchange Program Advisor
Martha Gorzycki: EDIA; CFA Representative; Animation Society Liaison; Junior Faculty Mentor
Julian Hoxter: RTP; Junior Faculty Mentor; Sneak Peak (Gator Days)
Ben Ridgway: RTP; Communications/Social Media; Scholarship Committee; Animation Society Liaison
Britta Sjogren: (FERP)
Johnny Symons: MFA Coordinator; RTP; CDC; Graduate Hiring Committee; Queer Cinema Coalition Liaison 
Greta Snider: RTP; EDI
Weimin Zhang:  Curriculum Committee; 
Associate Professors
Scott Boswell: Undergraduate Advising Coordinator; RTP; CDC; UAC Faculty Liaison; Cinema Collective Liaison
Steve Choe: Governance Committee; Scholarship Committee
Laura Green: Governance; EDIA; Feminist Filmmaking Fellowship Liaison 
Rosa Park: Scholarship Committee; Communications/Social Media 
Assistant Professors
Artel Great: Scholarship Committee; Communications/Social Media; Black Film Club Liaison
Rae Shaw: Academic Senate; CDC
Mayuran Tiruchelvam: Curriculum Committee; Governance

The document on this webpage might not be fully accessible to persons with disabilities. We are working to fix these accessibility barriers by December 15, 2022. If you experience difficulty in accessing this content, please contact the School of Cinema by email at and we will provide you with accessible alternatives.

The School of Cinema forbids the use of all (real and prop) weapons, staged combat, acrobatics / stunt-work on 202/204 related productions.
The School of Cinema strongly recommends the following with regard to any scenes that involve sexual intimacy: It is standard practice on professional sets to work with an intimacy coordinator. Just like stunts, or other action, intimacy needs to be well-choreographed in advance to ensure the safety (physical and mental) of all crew and actors. Actors need to give explicit affirmative consent to any intimate act. Intimacy is defined here to mean: kissing, touching, sexual activity (including simulated sexual activity). For best practices see Ita O’Brien’s website.

NOTE: Additional policy in this area is being developed, and is expected to be ratified in Fall 22.

School of Cinema By-laws and Procedures (approved by the faculty May 2022)

The Faculty of the School of Cinema have ultimate responsibility for the curriculum and for making recommendations regarding hiring, retention, tenure, and promotion, subject to University and School Regulations:

I. Participation

A. Membership and Voting Rights

  1. Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty and Faculty on early retirement in the School, regardless of their time-base or leave status, shall be entitled to full participation in all School voting and meetings, consistent with University policy.
  2. Lecturer Faculty shall have a prorated vote based on their appointment, in accordance with University policy.
  3. The School of Cinema full-time staff shall all be entitled to full participation in all School voting and meetings with the exception of circumstances where School or University regulations explicitly specify otherwise. (e.g. in T/TT Faculty Searches and School Director Elections.)
  4. Voting for School Director shall be open to all Faculty (Tenured/Tenure Track/FERP and Lecturer Faculty) in accordance with University policy. (see details under item III-B).
  5. Student representatives may attend Faculty meetings with the exception of meetings where School or University regulations explicitly specify otherwise. Student representatives shall have speaking rights but may not vote.
  6. Only Tenured/Tenure Track/FERP Faculty may vote on hiring, promotion and retention of Tenured/Tenure Track faculty.
  7. In the event that University policies should conflict with these provisions, University policies shall take precedence.

B. Meetings

Meetings of the Faculty of the School shall be held at least once a month during the academic year and additionally as necessary.

  1. Meetings shall ordinarily be scheduled and called by the School Director.
  2. Meetings may be called upon the request of one-third of the voting members of the School.
  3. Meetings shall be conducted with Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide:…
  4. Quorum shall be set at 60% of the number of voting members in the School who are not currently on leave or early retirement.
  5. Meetings are to be held on a video conferencing platform to maximize participation. It is also possible to hold a hybrid meeting, (simultaneous in person/video).
  6. Faculty who are unable to attend meetings may submit proxy votes, regarding specific upcoming-minuted/agenda proposals, in writing to the Chair of the Governance Committee, no later than 6 hours prior to the scheduled meeting and ideally sooner.
  7. Student representatives may attend Faculty meetings. Student representatives shall have speaking rights but may not vote.

II. Standing Committees

All standing committees: Consist of at least three T/TT Faculty members

  • Members shall be recommended by the Director and elected by secret ballot by the voting members as a whole, for three-year terms, staggered to promote continuity. Voting members may also nominate members.
  • Each committee elects its own Chair.
  • Student representatives may attend the following Committees: Governance, Curriculum, Graduate
  • Any exceptional aspects to Committee constitution is noted for that Committee.

A. Governance Committee

1. The Governance Committee shall:

  • Review and draft all suggested revisions (both those originating in the course of Committee work and those brought to the committee by faculty and/or the Director) to School policies and by-laws for consideration by Faculty.
  • Ensure the currency of the description of the School administration’s responsibilities, School Committees, and other Faculty self-governance rights, processes and responsibilities.
  • The committee has the mandate to propose relevant changes to departmental policies and by-laws but any such proposals require the approval of a majority of the Cinema School of Faculty at a properly constituted Faculty Meeting.
  • Proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be distributed in written form no less than one week prior to such meetings to expedite discussion.
  • Research governance issues and report back to Faculty and Director on Governance procedures/bylaws upon request.

B. Curriculum Committee

1. The Curriculum Committee shall:

  • Review and recommend to the School Director and Faculty any proposed changes in requirements for Undergraduate programs, including majors, minors, and any external institutional class equivalencies pertinent to Cinema.
  • Review and recommend to the School Director and Faculty regarding all substantive changes in courses offered by the School, or deletion of existing courses. The Committee may delegate to the School Director the approval of variants of generic courses.
  • Advise Faculty on new course proposals upon request. Per academic freedom, all School Faculty have the right to propose new courses.
  • New course proposals do not require a full Faculty vote, only new programmatic changes.
  • Advise the Director and Faculty regarding School participation in curricular matters outside the department, including general education and other all-university requirements.
  • Implement substantive changes to curriculum agreed upon by the School of Cinema Faculty, according to University Recommendations.

C. Graduate Committee

1. The Graduate Committee shall:

  • Review and recommend to the School Director and Faculty any changes to policies governing the M.F.A. and M.A. programs.
  • Review and recommend to the School Director and Faculty regarding all changes in M.F.A. and M.A. courses offered by the School, proposals for new courses, or deletion of existing courses.
  • Individual Faculty contemplating new Graduate courses should consult informally with the Graduate Committee.
  • Take Faculty-approved changes to Graduate curriculum forward and implement according to University Recommendations.
  • Advise the School Director and Faculty regarding recruiting, admission and advising of graduate students.
  • Recommend candidates to the School Director for all G.T.A., G.A. and/or ISA positions.
  • Form Graduate Selection Committees to conduct the review, shortlisting and ranking of applicants to the M.A. and M.F.A. programs.
  • Liaise with Graduate Faculty who are teaching courses that include Graduate Reviews (1st Year Script Review, 1st Year Film Review, Thesis Proposal Review.)

2. The Graduate Committee shall:

  • Consist of the M.A. and M.F.A. Coordinators and one additional Faculty member (or the School Director).
  • The Graduate Committee is co-chaired by the M.F.A. and M.A. coordinators.
  • Two Student representatives, one each from the MA and the MFA cohorts shall be invited to Graduate Committee meetings pertaining to programmatic concerns.

D. Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee

1. The RTP Committee shall:

  • Review and recommend to the School Director and Dean regarding retention, tenure and promotion of probationary Faculty.
  • Review and recommend to the School Director and Dean regarding promotion and/or subsequent required review of tenured Faculty.
  • Comply fully with all University policies and procedures with all provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
  • Actively support, through timely individual meetings, information and guidance, all Faculty coming up for review, and advise on RTP processes, good practice and deadlines.

2. The RTP Committee shall consist of at least three Tenured Faculty members.

  • The RTP Committee may draw upon, by request, non-RTP members to conduct observations of faculty teaching.

E. Development Committee – AD HOC

The Development Committee shall:

  • Exist as an ad hoc committee to be formed as needed at the discretion of the Director.
  • Craft and update a strategic fund-raising plan for the School of Cinema.
  • Develop a list of naming, endowment and scholarship priorities for School Director and Faculty review.
  • Work with the Director and Faculty to identify and cultivate donors.
  • Work with the Director and Faculty to identify grants and funded project opportunities.

III. Searches and Selection of Faculty and School Directors

A. Tenure-line Faculty Search Committee

1. Establishment:

  • The Committee will consist of 5 tenured members of the Cinema faculty elected by secret ballot by the Cinema Faculty-at-large, including Probationary Faculty. The Faculty may, in exceptional circumstances (such as the necessity to conduct multiple searches in a given year) vote for a 3-member committee, each also elected by secret ballot by the Cinema Faculty-at-large, including Probationary Faculty.
  • Exceptionally, Probationary Faculty may serve on a Search Committee if approved by the President of the University, according to Academic Senate policy.
  • Tenured and/or Tenure-track faculty may self-nominate or be nominated by other members of the faculty and/or by the School of Cinema Director.
  • Only tenure line Faculty may vote on hiring, promotion and retention of tenure line faculty.
  • To achieve greater diversity across searches, and ensure equity of service labor, Search Committee membership should rotate every year.
  • The Director of the School may serve on the Search Committee, if elected, or submit a separate recommendation.
  • The Governance Committee or its Chair will make itself available to the Search Committee or the Search Committee Chair at any point of a Search to assist in complying with the relevant bylaws at the outset of the Search. Best practice would be a joint meeting at the outset of the search process to ensure any questions are addressed.

2. Advertising:

  • The Committee drafts the call for applications and related search documents using the language provided by the Faculty-at-large to determine and secure the respective search.
  • Search documents are to be approved by the Dean of the College of Liberal & Creative Arts as well as the Dean of Faculty Affairs prior to any marketing.
  • Every effort shall be made to advertise to a diverse pool of potential applicants.
  • All Faculty in the School of Cinema are encouraged to recruit applicants by forwarding the approved call for applications to colleagues, and other appropriate modes of communication.
  • Once an applicant applies for a position, all future communication with that applicant should be forwarded to the Search Committee for the duration of the Search.

3. Applications:

  • The Director of the School will charge a member(s) of the staff to support the administrative needs of the Committee, if any, to ensure that each applicant’s file is complete before the Committee begins deliberations and/or sends out confirmation notices.
  • Only the respective staff member(s), the elected members of the Search Committee, and the Director of the School are authorized to review candidate files on our web-based application management system.

4. Deliberations:

  • All meetings of Search Committee members, whether formal or informal, shall be clearly announced to all members of the Search Committee with no less than 48 hour written advance notice.
  • All members of the Search Committee will be given due notice and invited to participate in any search-related meeting scheduled with the School Director or Dean, with the exception that a Search Committee Chair may meet individually with the Director for reporting purposes.
  • The Search Committee should produce a “long” list of 7-10 candidates and conduct remote interviews on a video conferencing platform of these applicants.
  • After discussion of the interviews, the Search Committee shall produce a “short” list of 3-4 candidates for campus interviews to submit for Dean approval,
  • The Director shall be duly copied on each of these lists within 24 hours of determination.
    • The Director of the School may participate in the remote interviews, but not the deliberations that follow (unless the Director has been elected to the Committee itself). This is because the Director, when not on the Committee, will write a separate recommendation.
    • While the Committee is not obligated to solicit the opinion of the School Director, such solicitation is encouraged in the spirit of collegiality.
    • The Search Committee will present its list of proposed final short list candidates and all relevant application materials to the Cinema Faculty for a considered vote of approval prior to submitting the list to the Dean.
  • In the event that a short-list candidate is eliminated from the list for campus visits for whatever reason (e.g., a candidate drops out, or the Dean rejects a candidate) the Search Committee should bring an alternative, ideally from a previously ranked wait-list.
  • The Chair of the Search Committee shall regularly report on the progress of the Search to the Director of the School, conveying the names of the selectees, the status of invitations, any budget overages planned, etc.
  • Any changes to the composition of the finalists, whether prior to their campus interview or post, must be reported to the Chair immediately.

5. Campus Interviews:

  • It is recommended to have four candidates come in for a campus interview whenever possible, and essential to have no less than three.
  • Upon approval of the Dean, the committee organizes campus visits to include all of the following:
    • Providing cover letters, syllabi, CVs and sample work to the Faculty-at-large;
    • Interview with the Search Committee;
    • Interview with the Director of the School;
    • Interview with the Dean;
    • Interview with the Provost if the position comes with tenure;Teaching demonstration;
    • Research/creative work presentation for Faculty and community;
    • Meetings with select students and/or a student critique session.
    • A social event such as lunch or dinner.
  • All Faculty not on leave should at minimum arrange to attend the main faculty presentation and, if possible a social event for each candidate. Faculty not on the Committee are expected to volunteer to help with the necessary tasks of hosting, such as escorting interviewees to campus appointments, airport pick-ups, etc.

6. Recommendation of Final Candidate:

  • Only after references have been strictly vetted for all interviewed candidates shall the Search Committee convene to deliberate on its recommendation.
  • In-person (telephone or zoom) reference checks are best practice rather than relying solely on recommendation letters.
  • Once the Committee Recommendation is determined, the Search Committee shall report its deliberation result first to the Director, and shall subsequently bring their recommendation to the Faculty-at-large at a dedicated meeting scheduled for this purpose, (or, if sooner, at the earliest scheduled faculty meeting).
  • Sufficient time must be allowed for discussion of all candidates interviewed as well as for voting. If a 2-3 hour meeting cannot be scheduled, two consecutive 1.5 hour meetings (ideally on consecutive weeks for the sake of expedition) should be scheduled well in advance. If the faculty agree by majority vote at the conclusion of the meeting(s) that one additional meeting is necessary prior to holding their recommendation vote, that meeting should be held as soon as possible.
  • The Committee should rank all candidates considered to be hireable. If none of the candidates are viable, the Committee may recommend extending the search to the following year.
  • The meeting will be Chaired by the Chair of the Search Committee. At the head of the meeting the Governance Committee will remind all attendees about Search process, who is eligible to vote, etc. The Governance Committee will be charged with distributing and counting all ballots/votes.
  • The Faculty-at-large should hear a full report of the reference checks, and the Committee’s rationale for its recommendation, before discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate brought to campus. Faculty may also submit questions to the Search Committee and School Director. At the conclusion of the meeting, the faculty-at-large, including untenured faculty, votes to make its recommendation to the Search Committee.
    • The Search Committee itself shall not vote in this instance, nor shall the School Director.
    • The faculty may vote for one candidate, a ranked list, two candidates or recommend extending the search to the following year. Voting shall be conducted by the Governance Committee to facilitate the type of voting preferred.
    • The faculty recommendation vote should be conducted by secret ballot.
    • The ballot count should be noted for reporting to the Dean.
  • If the Faculty vote produces a different result from the recommendation of the Search Committee, the Search Committee reconvenes to discuss whether or how to amend their recommendation. In such a case, the Search Committee will conduct a second secret ballot vote to determine its own final ranking, which should in this case be included in the Committee’s recommendation to the Dean.
    • In the case of different Faculty/Search Committee votes, after reconvening, the Search Committee may elect, (but is not required) to schedule a second meeting with the Faculty in order to share their final recommendation and rationale, before submitting the final recommendation to the Dean.
    • If this second meeting is convened, the Faculty may elect (but is not required) to conduct a second vote by secret ballot that follows the same procedures as the first (ie. The Search Committee and the School Director shall not vote.)
    • Further, in such a case, only the final (amended or nonamended) recommendation and final (amended or nonamended) Faculty vote need be submitted to the Dean.
  • The Search Committee’s recommendation to the Dean, on which the Director shall be copied, should summarize the rationale behind its recommendation along the lines of the search ad and the position description. In its recommendation, the Committee should also clearly report the recommendation vote made by the Faculty-at-large, providing the final faculty ballot count.
  • If not serving on the Search Committee itself, the Director of the School will submit a separate recommendation. The recommendation may concur with the recommendation of the Search Committee, or offer an alternative recommendation. The Director’s letter should include a rationale.
  • If the Search Committee’s recommendation letter is required by an outside University party (such as the Dean) to be limited to a particular page length per candidate, the Director’s letter should also observe that limit.

7. Candidate:

  • The Director of the School makes both the Committee recommendation letter and the Director recommendation letter (submitted to the Dean) available to the Faculty-at-large, immediately after these have been delivered to the Dean.
  • Once a recommendation is accepted by the Dean, the Committee’s work is complete and it falls to the Dean to negotiate and communicate with the selected candidate(s).
  • The Director of the School provides all required search documents to Faculty Affairs, to be provided by the Chair of the Search Committee.

B. Election of School Director

1. Voting rights:

  • All Tenured/Tenure-track/FERP Faculty members shall be entitled to one full vote, regardless of their time-base during the semester of the selection process.
  • Lecturer Faculty shall be entitled to pro rata participation in voting in an election for School Director, consistent with University policy. The determination of Lecturer Faculty time-base should be an aggregate of courses taught during the current academic year without regard to entitlement.
  • Lecturer Faculty who are also graduate students in the department are excluded from voting, per University policy.

2. Nomination process: Internal candidates:

  • A call for nominations shall go out to all permanent and temporary Cinema Faculty.
  • A candidate may nominate themselves as well as be nominated by another faculty member.
  • A Sub-Committee consisting of at least three Faculty members, elected by the Faculty as a whole, shall serve as a Director Nominating Committee.
  • The Nominating Committee will receive the nominations and determine who is willing to stand for election.
  • Candidates will submit written proposals or statements to the Faculty for consideration and also vet questions from Faculty at a meeting that has been scheduled with due notice (no less than 1 week) to all voting members.
  • Secret ballots shall be distributed to all Faculty with voting rights as discussed above.
  • If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, the candidate with the lowest number of votes shall be dropped from the ballot and another vote taken, until one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast.

3. External searches:

  • In circumstances where the University has approved an External search, a Director Search Committee shall be formed to conduct the administrative aspects of the Search. The Director Search Committee is a sub-committee of the Director Hiring Committee. The Hiring Committee shall be the Faculty as a whole, with all rights to information on applicants and voting on selection of preliminary and final candidates conferred thereto.

4. In circumstances where an Interim Director is required for leave or sabbatical cover, or during the period of an external search (for example), the nomination process for Interim Director shall be the same as for the internal election of a new School Director.

5. In all other matters the School follows the existing Academic Senate policy. In the case of contradiction, Academic Senate policy shall take precedence.

C. Faculty Transfer Policy 

1. Principles

The School of Cinema does not encourage or promote the transfer of tenure-track or tenured faculty from other academic units within San Francisco State University into the School of Cinema. Furthermore, the present bylaw is an internal procedure that is intended to work in concert with Step #9 of the “Tenure Line Transfer of Faculty Guidelines” issued by the CSU Chancellor’s Office (02/17/2012). In the event that a tenure-track or tenured faculty member from another school/department seeks to transfer their tenure-line appointment to the School of Cinema, the process involves:

  • The faculty member follows the steps outlined in the Tenure Line Transfer of Faculty Guidelines (TLTFG).
  • Following notification from the College Dean, per the TLTFG, the faculty member seeking reassignment may then initiate discussions with the Director of the School of Cinema (SoC). The faculty member seeking reassignment should submit a memorandum to the SoC Director detailing their academic qualifications and the role they envision within the School of Cinema.
  • The School of Cinema evaluates the request through its established procedures outlined below. 
  • The final decision rests with the Provost or President of the University, who considers all recommendations and makes a determination regarding the transfer.

2. Establishment of Transfer Committee

The Transfer Committee will consist of at least three tenured members of the Cinema faculty appointed by the Director. 

Exceptionally, Probationary Faculty may serve on a Transfer Committee if approved by the President of the University, according to Academic Senate policy.

Only tenure line Faculty may vote on hiring, promotion and retention of tenure line faculty.

If the Director of the School does not elect to serve on the Transfer Committee, then they should submit a separate recommendation.

The Governance Committee or its Chair will make itself available to the Transfer Committee or the Transfer Committee Chair at any point of a transfer to assist in complying with the relevant bylaws at the outset of the transfer. Best practice would be a joint meeting at the outset of the transfer process to ensure any questions are addressed.

3. Deliberations:

  • All meetings of Transfer Committee members, whether formal or informal, shall be clearly announced to all members of the Transfer Committee with no less than 48 hour written advance notice.
  • The Transfer Committee Chair requests from transfer applicants to send their CV, a writing or film sample, at least three syllabi, and SETE reports to them. The Transfer Committee will review the transfer applicant’s materials.
  • After discussion of the transfer applicant’s materials, the Transfer Committee will meet with the applicant and conduct a formal interview. 

4. Recommendation of Transfer:

  • Only after an interview with the transfer candidate shall the Transfer Committee convene to deliberate on its recommendation.
  • Once the Transfer Committee Recommendation is determined, the Transfer Committee shall report the results of its deliberations to the Director first and shall subsequently bring their recommendation to the Faculty-at-large at a dedicated meeting scheduled for this purpose (or, if sooner, at the earliest scheduled faculty meeting). The Transfer Committee makes CV, syllabi, and film or writing samples available to Faculty-at-large.  
  • The Transfer Committee must either endorse or reject the transfer and, in either case, provide a rationale for its decision to the Faculty-at-large. Sufficient time must be allowed for discussion of the transfer candidate as well as for voting.
  • The meeting will be Chaired by the Chair of the Transfer Committee. At the head of the meeting the Governance Committee will remind all attendees about Transfer process, who is eligible to vote, etc. The Governance Committee will be charged with distributing and counting all ballots/votes.
  • The Faculty-at-large will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the transfer candidate. Faculty may also submit questions to the transfer committee and School Director. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Faculty-at-large votes to make its recommendation to the Transfer Committee.
    • The Transfer Committee itself shall not vote in this instance, nor shall the School Director.
    • The faculty recommendation vote should be conducted by secret ballot.
    • The ballot count should be noted for reporting to the Dean.
  • The Transfer Committee’s recommendation to the Dean, on which the Director shall be copied, should summarize the rationale behind its recommendation. In its recommendation, the Committee should also clearly report the recommendation vote made by the Faculty-at-large.
  • If not serving on the Transfer Committee itself, the Director of the School will submit a separate recommendation. The recommendation may concur with the recommendation of the Transfer Committee or offer an alternative recommendation. The Director’s letter should include a rationale.

5. Candidate:

  • The Director of the School makes both the Transfer Committee recommendation letter and the Director recommendation letter (submitted to the Dean) available to the Faculty-at-large, immediately after these have been delivered to the Dean.
  • Once a recommendation is accepted by the Dean, the Committee’s work is complete, and it falls to the Director and Dean to negotiate and communicate with the candidate.
  • The Director of the School provides all required transfer documents to Faculty Affairs.

IV. School Administration

A. The School Director: View current senate policy outlining the duties of the School Director

Other School Administrator/Coordinator Positions:

1. Shall be recommended by the Director, or nominated by the faculty, submit a written statement or proposal for faculty consideration, and be elected by the voting members as a whole for a term of three years, by secret ballot.

2. Ideally, such appointments should rotate after each term to ensure opportunity and equity of service labor.

B. The MFA Coordinator

1. Duties of the MFA Coordinator: supervise the MFA program; manage the application and selection process for MFA admissions; manage an active induction and orientation process for incoming MFA students; conduct MFA program review and assessment; ensure reasonable access, availability and serve as primary advisor to MFA students in person and by email.

2. Serve on the Graduate Committee, and coordinate with the Director on Graduate hiring.

3. Monitor and, where necessary, manage the revision of MFA class and program descriptions in the Bulletin.

4. The MFA Coordinator shall receive one ‘individual instructional course’ credit per semester as part of their “three and three” teaching load.

C. The MA Coordinator

1. Duties of the MA Coordinator: supervise the MA program; manage the application and selection process for MA admissions; manage an active induction and orientation process for incoming MA students; conduct MA program review and assessment; ensure reasonable access, availability and serve as primary advisor to MA students in person and by email.

2. Serve on the Graduate Committee and coordinate with the Director on Graduate hiring.

3. Monitor and, where necessary, manage the revision of MA class and program descriptions in the Bulletin.

4. The MA Coordinator teaches CINE 852 as part of their “three and three” teaching load.

D. The Undergraduate Advising Coordinator

1. Duties of the Undergraduate Coordinator: to supervise the undergraduate program; conduct briefings for prospective undergraduate students at University events; conduct an active induction and orientation process for incoming students; ensure reasonable access and availability to students in person and by email; conduct undergraduate program review and assessment; conduct advising sessions for new students; serve as a resource on General Education questions; make recommendations for curriculum development to the Curriculum Committee.

2. The Undergraduate Advising Coordinator shall receive one ‘individual instructional course’ credit per semester as part of their ‘three and three’ teaching load.

E. The Internship Coordinator

1. Duties of the Internship Coordinator: to supervise all internships offered by the School.

2. Ensure all external internship companies meet the strict standards of Executive Order No. 1064, including maintaining all appropriate and required paperwork and agreements, conducting yearly site visits, and grading.

3. Maintain a list of all internship opportunities; advertise the opportunities to Cinema students on a regular basis using, at the very least, the School’s website and social media pages.

4. Monitor and, where necessary, manage the revision of the internship courses and program descriptions in the Bulletin.

5. The Internship Coordinator shall receive one "individual instructional course" per semester, specifically the “internship” course, as part of their “three and three” teaching load.

F. School of Cinema Staff

Staff positions and responsibilities are determined by Human Resource Position Descriptions located in the College Dean’s office. Staff is managed by the Director of the School.

1. The Office Manager maintains School budgets, accounts, and financial records; hires, trains, and supervises School office staff, including student workers; maintains Faculty evaluations, and currency of School databases and directories that contain Faculty and curriculum data; provides administrative support for Lecturer, Graduate Teaching Associate, and Graduate Assistant appointments; for HRTP processes, including file maintenance and documentation; for curricula-related activities and reviews; and for Director as needed.

2. The Academic Services Coordinator administers and maintains the class schedule for all semesters, the curricular content of which is the Director’s express responsibility and province; coordinates scheduling of events in Coppola Theatre; provides administrative support for the MA and MFA programs, including admissions, correspondence with prospective and current students, and assistance for Graduate Coordinators as needed; and, for annual School scholarship application and selection process.

3. The Production Coordinator schedules use of the Sound Stage, the Edit Cage, and Digital Cinema Lab; oversees, with the School Director, the production budget; coordinates staff support to the production dimensions of the unit.

4. The Lead Technical manages the Foley Stage, sound mixing rooms, and telecine machine; ensures that the Sound Stage, green room (where lights, flats and sets are stored), the Coppola Theatre, Cinema Studies Center, media library and archive, sound libraries, and post-production labs meet all safety and curricular requirements; troubleshoots and repairs equipment; and supervises student support staff.

5. The Equipment Room Manager maintains equipment inventory of digital and motion picture cameras, light kits, sound equipment, and related production technologies; checks in and out equipment to students; troubleshoots and repairs equipment; and supervises student support staff.

6. The Media Production Specialist is responsible for maintenance and upkeep of the inventory and catalogue of the School of Cinema's various archives (student films, viewing collections, etc.) This position also works various Tech areas throughout the School on an as-needed basis: Assistance to faculty and students in need of technical or equipment instruction or trouble-shooting; Projection duties; Postproduction Reservation system; Edit cage staffing, key dispensation and supervision of student interns; Sound Stage supervision; Equipment room check-out/in, inventorying and supervision; weekly cleaning of computer equipment in laboratories and classrooms; opening and closing of technical, lab, theater and classroom spaces. Additional duties include website maintenance, safety compliance monitoring, making closing rounds of Cinema spaces in evenings.

G. Offices and Cinema Space Management

1. Space allocation is determined by the Dean of the College.

2. The Director of the School of Cinema manages Cinema spaces.

3. When offices are vacated, or should new offices become available, the Director should make every effort to offer newly opened offices to existing T/TT faculty on a seniority-ranked basis. Seniority is determined by rank and by the date rank was earned with higher rank and earlier date having seniority.

H. Advising

  1. According to Academic Senate policy, and as outlined in the Faculty Manual, all faculty are required to advise students. 
  2. The School of Cinema recognizes that advising often happens via email (or similar electronic messaging platforms). As email represents part of a Faculty person’s advising responsibilities, it is imperative that Faculty respond to student emails in a timely manner (“timely” defined as within 72 hours during the regular Fall and Spring term.)
  3. The School of Cinema requires that is Faculty hold two advising hours (what we have called “office hours”) either on campus, scheduled on an electronic platform, or in some combination of these, in addition to keeping abreast of email exchanges. At the beginning of each regular term the Faculty person should notify the Cinema Office of their office hours.
  4. MA and MFA Coordinators are not required to advise undergraduate students.
  5. In accordance with the University Faculty Manual, Advising is a required part of Faculty Service. Service is a component of RTP considerations for Tenure.

V. Retention, Promotion and Tenure Criteria

The School of Cinema’s own criteria for RTP are available from the San Francisco State University Faculty Affairs website, as are the general University criteria.

VI. Appointment of GA/GTAs

A. Principles

  1. The School supports the training and employment of graduate students through all of the unit's operations.
  2. To be eligible for a GA or GTA position, Cinema graduate students are encouraged to take and pass CINE 852 prior to taking any paid position.
  3. In all situations, the graduate student either working as a GTA, GA, ISA or enrolled in 852 may not earn credit for the course for which they are engaged as teaching support.
  4. Graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses must complete additional coursework as specified by the instructor. Graduate students enrolled in an undergraduate class should in no instance grade any work done by undergraduate classmates in the same course.
  5. To ensure the School meets the requirements of the Collective Bargaining Agreement AFL-CIO, Cinema graduate students cannot teach, grade or assist in the administration of a Cinema course on a volunteer basis.

B. Procedures

  1. The Director identifies the number of GA and GTA positions (and the courses those positions are to support) with an eye on supporting as many graduate students as possible. In the end, the number of positions is to be based on the needs of the curriculum and funding.
  2. The Director puts out a call for applicants as soon as practicable and at least one month prior to the start of each semester, notifying graduate students and Faculty. The application will consist of a one-page form filled out by the student and the student’s resume. The Graduate Committee coordinates with the Cinema office staff who receive and organize all applications.
  3. The Graduate Committee (excluding any student representatives) reviews applications and determines all selections. Criteria include the applicant’s background and experience, past performance, and scheduling considerations.
  4. Whenever possible, selectees should come equally from the MA and MFA programs.
  5. The Director notifies the final selectees. Faculty are notified once positions are accepted. The Director oversees staff preparation of all contracts, per University guidelines.

VII. Curriculum

A. General Principles

  1. The Faculty (as a whole) owns the curriculum.
  2. It is the duty of the Director to develop a schedule that ensures that the Cinema curriculum is delivered to facilitate reasonable time-to-degree for our students, and a diverse range of courses.
  3. No one individual Faculty person “owns” a course.
  4. Under the principles of academic freedom, all faculty are free to propose new courses.
  5. Programmatic changes must be approved by Faculty vote.

B. Distance Learning (last amended Spring 2019)

The School supports distanced learning as one element in its curriculum, within the following parameters:

  1. No more than 18 distance learning units may be applied to the major.
  2. No student can be required to take an online course. To assure that this is the case, undergraduate core and foundational courses offered online during any regular academic year must also be offered on campus during the same academic year. In addition, a sufficient number of elective courses must be offered on campus every semester to ensure that students can complete the program in a timely manner without relying on online courses.
  3. No faculty member can be required to teach an online course.
  4. Faculty who create online materials retain the rights to those materials. This includes streaming audio-video lectures and interactive learning modules they have designed and created. Such material cannot be used without the permission of the faculty member who created it.
  5. Peer reviews of teaching effectiveness in distance learning courses may be conducted in ways analogous to their conduct on campus.
  6. The School may create multiple sections of an online course with different sections designed and taught by different members of the faculty.
  7. Student evaluation of teaching effectiveness procedures for online courses will be developed and analyzed in comparison to on-campus courses.

C. Course Fees (last amended Spring 2019)

  1. The School of Cinema supports the application of course fees only when doing so meets California State University Executive Order 1034, Attachment 3 Miscellaneous Course Fee (MCF) Policy.
  2. The Faculty must vote on the addition or removal of courses that incur course fees. The course fee is $20. Changes to the list of courses that have course fees, or the amount should be advanced to the administration for review and approval/disapproval.\
  3. Faculty are encouraged but not required to off-set the approved fee charged to students in courses they are scheduled to teach by reducing or eliminating expensive textbooks from their respective syllabi.
  4. The fee amount will not be adjusted without a majority vote of the faculty. If it is adjusted, the Registrar's office will be notified and the official amount adjusted as agreed upon by the faculty.
  5. Faculty will not be responsible for requiring students to show proof that they have paid the fee. All fees will be collected by the Registrar in accordance with university policies. The Registrar’s office and the Production Coordinator will be charged with ensuring students pay their respective fee. Students who do not pay course fees may have their equipment or lab use privileges suspended until they are in compliance.
  6. The voting members will meet at least once a year during a regular scheduled faculty meeting to review extant course fees in an effort to ensure that the fee amount is appropriate and necessary. Fees will be lowered and/or removed by a majority vote of the voting members present at the meeting.
  7. The Director will monitor reconciliation of fees collected with allocations to the designated School accounts.

VIII. Amendment

These by-laws may be amended by a quorum (see I B 4 above) of the voting members at a School meeting.

IX. Rights

The enumeration of rights granted under these by-laws should not in any way be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the School of Cinema Faculty and Staff.

(Approved by the Faculty May 2019, Last Amended April 29, 2019)

The Faculty of the School of Cinema have ultimate responsibility for the curriculum and for making recommendations regarding hiring, retention, tenure and promotion, subject to University regulations.

I.    Participation

A.  Membership and Voting Rights

  1. Tenured and tenure-track Faculty in the School, regardless of their time-base or leave status, shall be entitled to full participation in all School voting and meetings.
  2. Faculty on early retirement, regardless of their time-base, shall be entitled to full participation in all School voting and meetings, consistent with University policy.
  3. Lecturers shall have a prorated vote based on their appointment, in accordance with University policy.
  4. The School of Cinema full-time staff shall all be entitled to full participation in all School voting and meetings with the exception of circumstances where School or University regulations explicitly specify otherwise. 
  5. Voting for School Director shall be open to all Faculty in accordance with University policy. 
  6. Student representatives may attend Faculty meetings. Student representatives shall have speaking rights but may not vote.
  7. Only tenure line Faculty may vote on hiring, promotion and retention of tenure line faculty.
  8. In the event that University policies should conflict with these provisions, University policies shall take precedence.

B.   Meetings 

Meetings of the Faculty of the School shall be held at least once a month during the academic year and additionally as necessary.

  1. Meetings shall ordinarily be scheduled and called by the School Director.
  2. Meetings may be called upon the request of one-third of the voting members of the School.
  3. Meetings shall be conducted with Robert’s Rules of Order as a guide.
  4. Quorum shall be set at 50% of the number of voting members in the School who are not currently on leave or early retirement.
  5. Faculty who are unable to attend meetings may submit proxy votes, regarding specific upcoming-minuted proposals, in writing to the Chair of the Governance Committee.
  6. Student representatives may attend Faculty meetings. Student representatives shall have speaking rights but may not vote.

II.  Standing Committees 

A.   Governance Committee

  1. The Governance Committee shall:
    • Review and revise School policies and by-laws for consideration by Faculty.
    • Ensure the currency of the departmental Faculty Manual.
    • Ensure the currency of the description of the School administration’s responsibilities.
    • Identify situations that may need to be addressed by the adoption of further by-laws.
    • The committee has the mandate to propose changes to departmental policies and by-laws but any such proposals require the approval of a majority of Cinema School Faculty present at a properly constituted Faculty Meeting.
  2. The Governance Committee consists of three Faculty members and a student representative.
    • Members shall be recommended by the Director and elected by the voting members as a whole, for three-year terms. Voting members may also nominate members.
    • The committee elects its own Chair.

B.   Curriculum Committee

  1. The Curriculum Committee shall:
    • Review and recommend to the School Director and Faculty any proposed changes in requirements for undergraduate programs, including majors, minors, CEL classes and Junior College class equivalencies in Cinema.
    • Review and recommend to the School Director and Faculty regarding all changes in courses offered by the School, proposals for new courses, or deletion of existing courses.  The Committee may delegate to the School Director the approval of variants of generic courses.
    • Advise the School Director and Faculty regarding all aspects of the undergraduate program, including advising and recruiting of students.
    • Advise the Director and Faculty regarding departmental participation in curricular matters outside the department, including general education and other all-university requirements.
    • All changes to curriculum agreed within the Cinema School must then be taken forward according to University Recommendations.
  2. The Curriculum Committee consists of at least three members:
    • Members shall be recommended by the Director and elected by the voting members as a whole, for two-year terms. Voting members may also nominate members.
    • The committee elects its own Chair.

C.   Graduate Committee

  1. The Graduate Committee shall:
    • Review and recommend to the School Director and Faculty any changes to policies governing the M.F.A. and M.A. programs.
    • Review and recommend to the School Director and Faculty regarding all changes in M.F.A. and M.A. courses offered by the School, proposals for new ones, or deletion of existing courses. All changes to curriculum agreed within the School of Cinema must then be taken forward according to University Recommendations.
    • Advise the to the School Director and Faculty regarding recruiting, admission and advising of graduate students.
    • Recommend candidates to the School Director for all G.T.A., G.A. positions, and for Production Assistants. All effort should be made to take the recommendations and requests of individual faculty into consideration.
    • Assist Coordinators and graduate selection committees with the shortlisting and ranking of applicants to the M.A. and M.F.A. degrees.
  2. The Graduate Committee shall consist of the M.A. and M.F.A. Coordinators and an additional Faculty member (for a total of three Faculty members) as well as a student representative from both the M.A. and the M.F.A.:
    • Members shall be recommended by the Director and elected by the voting members as a whole, to serve three-year terms. Voting members may also nominate members.
    • The Graduate Committee is co-chaired by the M.F.A. and M.A. coordinators.

D.  Retention, Tenure and Promotion Committee

  1. Responsibilities. The RTP Committee shall:
    • Review and recommend to the to the School Director and Dean regarding retention, tenure and promotion of probationary Faculty.
    • Review and recommend to the to the School Director and Dean regarding promotion of tenured Faculty.
    • Comply fully with all University policies and procedures with all provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
    • Actively support all Faculty coming up for review and advise on processes, good practice and deadlines in good time.  
  2. Membership. The RTP Committee shall consist of at least three tenured members:
    • Members shall be recommended by the Director and elected by the voting members as a whole, to serve three-year terms. Voting members may also nominate members.
    • The RTP Committee shall elect its own Chair.

E.   Development Committee

  1. The Development Committee shall:
    • Craft and update a strategic fund raising plan for the School of Cinema.
    • Develop list of naming, endowment and scholarship priorities for the School Director and faculty review.
    • Work with the Director and Faculty to identify and cultivate donors.
    • Work with the Director and Faculty to identify grants and funded project opportunities.
  2. The Development Committee shall consist of three members:
    • Members shall be recommended by the Director and elected by the voting members as a whole, to serve three-year terms. Voting members may also nominate members.
    • The Development Committee shall elect its own Chair.

III. Searches and Selection of Faculty and School Directors

A. Tenure-line Faculty

  1. Establishment
    • The Committee will consist of 5 tenured members of the Cinema faculty elected by secret ballot by the Cinema faculty-at-large, including probationary faculty. The faculty may, in exceptional circumstances (such as the necessity to conduct multiple searches in a given year) vote for a 3-member committee, each also elected by secret ballot by the Cinema faculty-at-large, including probationary faculty.
    • In exceptional cases, junior faculty may serve on a search committee if approved by the President of the University according to Academic Senate policy.
    • Tenured faculty can self-nominate or be nominated by other members of the faculty and/or by the School of Cinema Director.
    • To achieve greater diversity across searches, search committee membership should rotate every year.
    • The Director of the School may serve on the search committee, if elected, or submit a separate recommendation.
  2. Advertising
    • The Committee drafts the call for applications and related search documents following the language used by the faculty-at-large to determine and secure the respective search.
    • Search documents are to be approved by the Dean of the College of Liberal & Creative Arts as well as the Dean of Faculty Affairs prior to any marketing.
    • Every effort should be made to advertise to a diverse pool of potential applicants.
    • All faculty in the School of Cinema are encouraged to recruit applicants by forwarding the approved call for applications to colleagues, discussing the strengths of the School, College and University with potential applicants, and addressing basic questions.
      • Once an applicant applies for a position, all future questions with the applicant should be forwarded to the Search Committee.
  3. Applications
    • The Director of the School will charge a member(s) of the staff to support the administrative needs of the Committee, ensuring that each applicant’s file is complete before the Committee begins deliberations and sending out confirmation notices.
    • Only the respective staff member(s), the elected members of the Search Committee, and the Director of the School can review candidate files and upload them in the “Box” folder assigned by Faculty Affairs.
  4. Deliberations
    • All meetings of Search Committee members, whether formal or informal, shall be clearly announced to all members of the Search Committee with written advance notice, so that all Search Committee members may participate, with the exclusion of one-on-one meetings between such parties and the Search Committee Chair acting within her/his formal reporting capacity.
    • Any meeting scheduled with the School Director or Dean will include all duly noted members of the committee unless it is simply for reporting.
    • The Search Committee should produce a “long” list of 7-10 candidates for remote (phone or video) interviews, conduct those interviews, and then, after discussion, produce a “short” list of 3 to 4 candidates for campus interviews for Dean’s approval, on which the Director shall be duly copied within 24 hours of determination of the list.
      • The Director of the School may participate in the remote interviews, but not the deliberations that follow. This is because the Director may elect to write a separate recommendation.
      • While the Committee is not obligated to solicit the opinion of the School Director, such solicitation is encouraged in the spirit of collegiality.
      • The Search Committee will present its list of proposed candidates to the Cinema Faculty for a vote of approval prior to submitting the list to the Dean.
    • In the event that a candidate is eliminated from the list for campus visits for whatever reason (e.g., a candidate drops out, the Dean rejects a candidate) the Search Committee should bring an alternative.
    • The Chair of the Search Committee shall regularly report on the progress of the Search to the Director of the School, conveying the names of the selectees, the status of invitations, any budget overages planned, etc.
    • Any changes to the composition of the finalists must be reported to the Chair immediately.
  5. Campus Interviews
    • It is always advisable to have at least three candidates come in for a campus interview.
    • Upon approval of the Dean, the committee organizes campus visits to include all of the:
      • Providing cover letters, syllabi, CVs and sample work to the faculty-at-large;
      • Interview with the search committee;
      • Interview with the Director of the School;
      • Interview with the Dean;
      • Interview with the Provost if the position comes with tenure;
      • Teaching demonstration and/or student critique;
      • Research/creative work presentation;
      • Meetings with select students;
      • A social event such as lunch or dinner.
    • All faculty not on leave should at minimum arrange to attend the presentation and a social event for each candidate. Faculty not on the Committee may volunteer to help by escorting interviewees to campus appointments, airport pick-ups, etc.
  6. Recommendation
    • Only after references have been strictly vetted for all interviewed candidates shall the Search Committee convene to deliberate on its recommendation.
    • Once determined, the Search Committee shall report its deliberation result to the Director, and shall bring their recommendation to the faculty at large at the earliest scheduled faculty meeting.
      • The committee can recommend one candidate, rank the candidates, recommend two candidates, or recommend extending the search to the following year.
    • The faculty-at-large should discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate brought to campus, hear a full report of the reference checks, consider the preliminary recommendation offered by the Search Committee, and ask questions of the Search Committee and School Director. At the conclusion of the meeting, the faculty-at-large, including untenured faculty, offers its recommendation to the Search Committee, who shall not vote in this instance, nor shall the School Director.
      • The recommendation should be conducted by secret ballot.
    • If the faculty vote produces a different result from the recommendation of the Search Committee, the Search Committee reconvenes to discuss whether or how to amend their recommendation. In such a case, the Search Committee will conduct a second secret ballot vote to determine its final ranking, and thus recommendation to the Dean.
    • The Search Committee’s recommendation to the Dean, on which the Director shall be copied, should summarize the rationale behind its recommendation along the lines of the search ad and the position description. In its recommendation, the Committee should also clearly report the recommendation made by the faculty-at-large, providing the final faculty ballot count.
    • If not on the Search Committee, the Director of the School will submit a separate recommendation. The recommendation may concur with the recommendation of the Search Committee, or offer an alternative recommendation. The Director’s letter should summarize his or her rationale.
  7. Candidate
    • The Director of the School makes both the Committee recommendation letter and Director recommendation letter available to the faculty-at-large.
    • Once a recommendation is accepted by the Dean, the Committee’s work is complete and it falls to the Dean to negotiate with the selected candidate(s).
    • The Director of the School provides all required search documents to Faculty Affairs, to be provided by the Chair of the Search Committee.

B. Election of School Director

  1. Voting rights:
    • All tenured and tenure-track Faculty members shall be entitled to one full vote, regardless of their time-base during the semester of the selection process.
    • Faculty on early retirement shall be entitled to one full vote, regardless of their time-base during the semester of the selection process.
    • Lecturers shall be entitled to pro rata participation in Director voting and faculty meetings consistent with University and Trustee policy.
  2. The nomination process for internal candidates shall be:
    • A call for nominations shall go out to all permanent and temporary Cinema faculty.
    • A sub-committee consisting of at least three Faculty members, elected by the Faculty as a whole, shall serve as a nominating committee.
    • The sub-committee will receive the nominations and determine who is willing to stand for election.
    • Candidates will submit written proposals or statements to the faculty for consideration and also vet questions from faculty at a meeting that has been scheduled with due notice to all voting members.
    • Ballots shall be distributed to all Faculty with voting rights as discussed above.
    • If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, the candidate with the lowest number of votes shall be dropped from the ballot and another vote taken, until one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast.
  3. External searches: In circumstances where the University has approved an external search, a Search Committee shall be formed, which shall be a sub-committee of the hiring committee. The hiring committee shall be the Faculty as a whole.
  4. In circumstances where an Acting Director is required for leave or sabbatical cover, or during the period of an external search (for example), the nomination process shall be the same as for the internal election of a new School Director.
  5. In all other matters the School follows the existing Academic Senate policy. In the case of contradiction, Academic Senate policy shall take precedence.

IV. School Administration

A.  The School Director

  1. View the current senate policy outlining the duties of the Director.


B.   The M.F.A. Coordinator

  1. The M.F.A. Coordinator shall be recommended by the Director, or nominated by the faculty, and elected by the voting members as a whole for a term of three years.
  2. Duties of the M.F.A. Coordinator: to supervise the M.F.A. program; manage the application and selection process for M.F.A. admissions; manage an active induction and orientation process for incoming M.F.A. students; conduct M.F.A. program review and assessment; ensure reasonable access and availability to M.F.A. students in person and by email. 
  3. Coordinate with the Director and Faculty hiring and deployment for all GA, GTA and Production Assistant posts for M.F.A. students.
  4. Monitor and, where necessary, manage the revision of M.F.A. class and program descriptions in the Bulletin.
  5. The M.F.A. Coordinator shall receive one ‘individual instructional course’ per semester as part of their “three and three” teaching load.

C.   The M.A. Coordinator

  1. The M.A. Coordinator shall be recommended by the Director, or nominated by the faculty, and elected by the voting members as a whole for a term of three years.
  2. Duties of the M.A. Coordinator: to supervise the M.A. program; manage the application and selection process for M.A. admissions; manage an active induction and orientation process for incoming M.A. students; conduct M.A. program review and assessment; ensure reasonable access and availability to M.A. students in person and by email. 
  3. Coordinate with the Chair and Faculty hiring and deployment for all GA, GTA and Production Assistant posts for M.A. students.
  4. Monitor and, where necessary, manage the revision of M.F.A. class and program descriptions in the Bulletin.
  5. The M.A. Coordinator teaches CINE 852 as part of their 3 and 3 teaching load.

D.  The Undergraduate Coordinator

  1. The Undergraduate Coordinator shall be recommended by the Director, or nominated by the faculty, and elected by the voting members as a whole for a term of three years.
  2. Duties of the Undergraduate Coordinator: to supervise the undergraduate program; conduct briefings for prospective undergraduate students at University events; conduct an active induction and orientation process for incoming students; ensure reasonable access and availability to students in person and by email; conduct undergraduate program review and assessment; conduct advising sessions for new students; serve as a resource on General Education questions; make recommendations for curriculum development to the Curriculum Committee.

E.   The Internship Coordinator

  1. The Internship Coordinator shall be recommended by the Director, or nominated by the faculty, and elected by the voting members as a whole for a term of three years.
  2. Duties of the Internship Coordinator: to supervise all internships offered by the School.
  3. Ensure all external internship companies meet the strict standards of Executive Order No. 1064, including maintaining all appropriate and required paperwork and agreements, conducting yearly site visits, and grading.
  4. Maintain a list of all internship opportunities; advertise the opportunities to Cinema students on a regular basis using, at the very least, the School’s website and Facebook page.
  5. Monitor and, where necessary, manage the revision of the internship courses and program descriptions in the Bulletin.
  6. The Internship Coordinator shall receive one "individual instructional course" per semester, specifically the “internship” course, as part of their “three and three” teaching load.

F.   School of Cinema Staff Duties

Staff positions and responsibilities are determined by Human Resource Position Descriptions located in the College Dean’s office.  Staff is managed by the Director of the School.

  1. The Office Manager maintains School budgets, accounts, and financial records; hires, trains, and supervises School office staff, including student workers; maintains faculty evaluations, and currency of School databases and directories that contain faculty and curriculum data; provides administrative support for Lecturer, Graduate Teaching Associate, and Graduate Assistant appointments; for HRTP processes, including file maintenance and documentation; for curricula-related activities and reviews; and for Director as needed.
  2. The Academic Services Coordinator builds and maintains the class schedule for all semesters in consultation with the Director; coordinates scheduling of events in Coppola Theatre; provides administrative support for the MA and MFA programs, including admissions, correspondence with prospective and current students, and assistance for graduate coordinators as needed; and, for annual School scholarship application and selection process.
  3. The Production Coordinator schedules use of the Sound Stage, the Edit Cage, and Digital Cinema Lab; oversees, with the School Director, the production budget; facilitates the advanced production pool process; coordinates staff support to the production dimensions of the unit. The Production Coordinator also teaches two courses per semester, supervises internships and independent studies, and sits on M.F.A. review panels.
  4. The Lead Technical manages the Foley Stage, sound mixing rooms, and telecine machine; ensures that the Sound Stage, green room (where lights, flats and sets are stored), the Coppola Theatre, Cinema Studies Center, media library and archive, sound libraries, and post-production labs meet all safety and curricular requirements; troubleshoots and repairs equipment; and supervises student support staff.
  5. The Equipment Room Manager maintains equipment inventory of digital and motion picture cameras, light kits, sound equipment, and related production technologies; checks in and out equipment to students; troubleshoots and repairs equipment; and supervises student support staff.

G. Offices and Cinema Space Management

  1. Space allocation is determined by the Dean of the College. 
  2. The Director of the School of Cinema manages Cinema spaces.
  3. When offices are vacated, or should new offices become available, the Director should make every effort to offer newly opened offices based on seniority. Seniority is determined first by the year each professor earned his or her academic rank.  

H. Advising Responsibilities

  1. According to Academic Senate policy, and as outlined in the Faculty Manual, all faculty are required to advise students.
  2. The School of Cinema requires that its faculty hold one office hour per-course taught (the exception being one-unit courses). For faculty teaching a standard 3-course load, at a minimum faculty are required to hold two advising hours on campus—an additional advising hour may be scheduled on an electronic platform.
  3. M.A. and M.F.A. Coordinators are not required to advise undergraduate students.
  4. In accordance with the Faculty Manual, each faculty are evaluated for their efficacy in student advising. The RTP determines the means by which that assessment is made.

V. Retention, Promotion and Tenure Criteria

  1. The School of Cinema's own criteria for RTP are available from the San Francisco State University Faculty Affairs Website, as are the general University criteria.
  2. Student Evaluation Survey Questions (pdf) 
  3. Every Assistant and Associate Professor will have at least one classroom observation per year. These observations will be conducted by the RTP Committee. If an Assistant or Associate Professor wishes to have an additional observation in one year, they can request it and the committee will ensure that a second observation is conducted. For the first three years, lecturer faculty will have one classroom observation in their first or second semester of teaching. After that, continuing lecturer faculty will have one classroom observation once every two years. These will be conducted by the faculty at large. No one professor will be asked to conduct more than one lecturer faculty classroom observation per year.

VI. Appointment of GA/GTAs

A. Principles

  1. The School supports the training and employment of graduate students through all of the unit's operations.
  2. To be eligible for a GA or GTA position, Cinema graduate students must first take and pass CINE 852.
  3. In all situations, the graduate student either working as a GTA, GA, ISA or or enrolled in 852 may not earn credit for the course they are teaching.
  4. Since only four units of instructional support can be applied to a graduate student's degree, Cinema graduate students cannot enroll in more than four units of instructional assistance coursework without the written permission of the Director.
  5. Graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses must complete additional coursework as specified by the instructor. Graduate students in an undergraduate class should not be grading any work done by other classmates in the same course.
  6. To ensure the School meets the requirements of the Collective Bargaining Agreement AFL-CIO, Cinema graduate students cannot teach, grade or assist in the administration of a Cinema course on a volunteer basis without the written permission of the Director.

B. Procedures

  1. The Director identifies the number of GA and GTA positions and the courses those positions are to support with an eye on supporting as many graduate students as possible. In the end, the number of positions is to be based on the needs of the curriculum and funding.
  2. The Director puts out a call for applicants as soon as practicable and at least one months prior to the start of each semester, and simultaneously notifies the faculty. The application will consist of a one-page form filled out by the student and the student’s resume. The Grad Committee coordinates with the Cinema office staff to receives and organizes all applications.
  3. The Graduate Committee (excluding student representatives) reviews applications and determines all selections. Criteria include completion of CINE 852, the applicant’s background and experience, past performance, and input by individual Faculty. Preferences, if any, should be directed to the Graduate Committee and the Director, and will be honored to the extent possible.
  4. When possible, selectees should come equally from the M.A. and M.F.A. programs.
  5. The Director notifies the final selectees and faculty once positions are accepted and, per university guidelines, prepares all contracts.

VII. Curriculum

A. Distance Learning

The School supports distanced learning as one element in its curriculum, within the following parameters:

  1. No more than 18 distance learning units may be applied to the major.
  2. No student can be required to take an online course. To assure that this is the case, undergraduate core and foundational courses offered online during any regular academic year must also be offered on campus during the same academic year. In addition, a sufficient number of elective courses must be offered on campus every semester to ensure that students can complete the program in a timely manner without relying on online courses.
  3. No faculty member can be required to teach an online course.
  4. Faculty who create online materials retain the rights to those materials. This includes streaming audio-video lectures and interactive learning modules they have designed and created. Such material cannot be used without the permission of the faculty member who created it.
  5. Peer reviews of teaching effectiveness in distance learning courses may be conducted in ways analogous to their conduct on campus.
  6. The School may create multiple sections of an online course with different sections designed and taught by different members of the faculty.
  7. Student evaluation of teaching effectiveness procedures for online courses will be developed and analyzed in comparison to on-campus courses.

B. Course Fees

  1. The School of Cinema supports the application of course fees only when doing so meets California State University Executive Order 1034, Attachment 3 Miscellaneous Course Fee (MCF) Policy.
  2. The faculty must vote on the adoption of proposed course fees before the application to adopt a course fee is advanced to the administration for review and approval/disapproval.
  3. Faculty are encouraged but not required to off-set the approved fee charged to students in courses they are scheduled to teach by reducing or eliminating expensive textbooks from their respective syllabi (perhaps adopting the use of a course reader composed of extant articles).
  4. The fee amount will not be adjusted without a majority vote of the faculty. If it is adjusted, the Registrar's office will be notified and the official amount adjusted as agreed upon by the faculty.
  5. Faculty will not be responsible for requiring students to show proof that they have paid the fee. All fees will be collected by the Registrar in accordance with university policies. The Registrars office will be charged with ensuring students pay their respective fee.
  6. The voting members will meet at least once a year during a regular scheduled faculty meeting to review extant course fees in an effort to ensure that the fee amount is appropriate and necessary. Fees will be lowered and/or removed by a majority vote of the voting members present at the meeting.
  7. The Director will monitor reconciliation of fees collected with allocations to the designated School accounts.

VIII. Amendment

These by-laws may be amended by a quorum (see I B 4 above) of the voting members at a School meeting.

IX. Rights

The enumeration of rights granted under these by-laws should not in any way be construed to deny or disparage others retained by Cinema Department Faculty and Staff.